
Showing posts from 2011

Moms are not Goalies but they have Goals

Something on my mind most recently was the fact that I intentionally set out to lose weight several months ago. I've had this intention before but somehow, somewhere it fell flat on its face. Losing weight this time was a goal that was unspecified for the most part. I disguised it under "get healthy."  I feel like I've gotten real good at yo-yo weight loss. I lose some but then before I can enjoy the abscence of the weight, I gain it back. Sometimes even more of it.  I've had a love-hate relationship with my wardrobe for the past ten or so years. Shopping fell off of my "fun things to do" list about ten years ago.  What was the difference this time? I slowly started making changes in my eating habits. I completely quit drinking alcohol. That was a big one! I used to spend hours at the gym and then come home and down a six pack. But no more. I also gave up diet soda. I have heard the evils of diet soda ad nauseum from Lisa. I am lucky to hav...

baby brain beguiles my best intentions

Wow, can't believe so much time has passed without any blog postings! What have I been doing? Well, diaper duty is not for the faint of heart. I can assure you of this fact. I have tried my best to avoid it but, much to my chagrin, my baby waits until I am on duty to have a dumpfest. I must've done something in a past life that made it very clear that I needed another life to work on staying-in-the-moment and mastering the ceasing of my avoidance tactics. It's been close to ten months since this little jewel has been present in my treasured life. All of my to do's have been thrown out the window. (Save the bath water lest I have a dirty baby.)  I had a garage to clean, a car to overhaul, a backyard to landscape, a book to write, a bar to pass, etc. All of it is GONE. But I have to say, honestly, it's with little regret. Having baby brain is something I paid good money for. Not a dime of it wasted, either. Sure, I have to now excuse myself from any convers...

10 Things About Team Begay

1. We are a dynamic team of five human beings, four dogs, and one feline. 2. One of us is encyclopedia smart. 3. We like to hike beyond reason. 4. We're about to start a new venture. 5. We like to live on the edge. 6. We attend church regularly. 7. We don't watch TV. 8. The females outnumber the males. 9. We're not sexist. 10. We're not religious but we know God personally. 11. We meditate. 12. We're at our best at full throttle.

Guys just wanna sleep...

Okay, so now the truth is out. Bahe didn't actually stick around long enough to take the game in. To my utter surprise, he didn't give a damn about the game.  There I was going over play by play to begin the early education process. I was clear on the difference between a strike and a ball.  I talked about how important stats were and so on. Only to look down and be confronted with this visual. Although Bahe was a fun date, he was a good reminder of why I stopped dating guys altogether: they fall asleep during the most important inning!

Start 'em young

I took my baby son to his first official professional baseball game. I wanted him to know what I expect of him early! Actually, I just love watching baseball. Since I live in Phoenix, I support the DBacks 100%. On this night, the DBacks played the Cubs and lost. It was a sad evening for us. Baby Bahe "seemed" to enjoy the game. How can one ever tell what a 4-month old is enjoying. Well, when he slobbers all over something or someone I have a pretty good idea that he is enjoying that particular experience. I took him as a sorta first initation to the world of sports. Although he is in tow every Sunday for my softball games, I figured he might want to see the professional side of the sport. My softball team can barely remember to wear the same jersey come game time so we end looking like a bunch of misfits.

Always time to smile when it comes to good friends

Believe it or not, I used to live with this guy. Can you imagine me living with a guy? I can assure you it was not in sin. I don't know him in the Biblical sense! We met back in the summer of 2006 when we were both selected for the prestigious Udall Congressional Internship. They actually made a video us, Udallers, that same summer.  I think you can view it somewhere on this Blog site. Anyway, my buddy Julian, is a great guy. A sweet guy with a huge heart. We got along instantly. Come to think of it, I can't think of one of the Udallers that I didn't get along with. There were a total of 14 of us in a big, three story Victorian house. It was a grand summer. One of my best memories of law school. Law school is long over but our friendship is still intact. In fact, here we are just last week. Julian honored me by coming over for supper. I made him Mahi Mahi, grilled potatoes and steamed broccoli. He told me it was better than McDonald's. I gave a good smile because that...

Your brain is not a garage.


Two chicks are better than one!

The world would be such a better place if we had two chicks as opposed to only one chick. Well, maybe some of us are lucky enough to just hang onto one! I learned this month the value of more than one chick. For instance, the cuteness factor goes up X2. For another, one chick could eat the other (as evidenced in the above photo) and there is still one left. One of my greatest gal pals is pictured here with me and the other chick: Isabel. She's been a dear family friend for over ten years. She's become more instrumental in my life since the arrival of my newborn son. In fact, she was one of the first two people I called from the hospital announcing my new son, Nabahe. She was the one who encouraged me to give him a strong name, something he could grow into.  I'm pretty sure "happy warrior" fits the bill. I'm so thankful for Isabel's friendship. She is a light and a lot of fun. She and Lisa talk non-stop on the phone and since I am not a phone person, s...

New Year, New Heart

Time flies when you're having fun...I originally had so many intentions and ideas for this blog but somehow the everydayness of life crept up and took precedence over my creative spurts. I've also gone through some major changes. None of which is all that interesting but I will share a few: a year of acupuncture, several months off of caffeine, sleeping close to seven hours a night and exercising regularly. There have also been some changes to Team Begay, which will be another blog. I just got home from a long board meeting and have an ounce of creative juice to squirt out before I need to hit the sheets. After welcoming in the new year with the love of my life, I got a call from Navajo Nation Social Services inquiring about my interest in adopting a baby boy. Well, what could I say? Having a baby son is/was one of my life dreams. It was actually on my list of top ten. So I replied affirmatively. Little did I know it was going to be a whirlwind of an excursion, a ride t...