when "for good" doesn't feel so good

Sometimes we lose our closest friends, the people who mean the most to us. Sometimes the loss is but for a season and sometimes it is for good. That phrase "for good" bothers me. Why is losing someone "for good"? How can it be? But, as I dig deeper into my spiritual life, I see that perhaps there is a bigger truth to "for good". Yes, my dear friend is gone. She was actually more than a dear friend. She was family. She had been in my life for close to five years. I met her at a meeting for my oldest son when he was in Kindergarten. She immediately struck me with her sense of wit. I attribute her with wit because she was the only one at the table who laughed at my joke. I have a very dry sense of humor. It can offend some people. But, those who get me often find that their belly aches from so much laughter. We became fast friends. I was very deliberate in how I courted her friendship. I thought she was a definite catch and didn't want her to get aw...