The best laid plans are sometimes just a one night stand. I'm not big on planning but with three kids I can see the benefits of it. I wanna be clear that this holiday season my biggest three gifts are my children. I'm not asking for more than that. Holy cow, I hit the jackpot! I am also pretty damn fortunate to have a partner who understands that healing concepts continually flow through life and they're free for the taking. And, she has this beautiful way of seeing that everything has a silver lining. I'm feeling for all you parents out there who are struggling to get the quota of gifts under the tree. I'm not there and no one is more grateful about that than I am. I believe this is the direct result of not owning a tv, or maybe not having cable. We have an old 19inch that belonged to Nancy's mother. For nostalgia reasons, I can't seem to let go of it. (I hope Marie Kondo isn't one of my readers!) My kids watch DVDs on it and that's it. So ou...