Celebrating Lisa's birthday in Hawaii
Diego and I decided to take our favorite Mama to Hawaii to celebrate her turning over another age. Her birthday was actually in October but it is never to late to celebrate, right. Besides, March was the first real break she had in her schedule. So we celebrated over Spring Break. The girls opted to spend the eight days on a farm riding horses and learning how to make butter and ice cream.

What other way does one start a vacation than with a beer in hand? I kid you not, Lisa was emphatic about being on the beach with a beer in hand. You think I would choose Sapporo! Okay, so I fibs a bit. Lisa merely weighed in her choice once I had determined that I could and would not absolutely be seen on the beach without a beer in hand. This was taken on our second day on the island. Lisa has yet to be tanned. I am nowhere in sight because that is actually an empty can she is holding...
Lisa is my hero for posing as well as exposing what a truly cool chic she is. I can't really find anything that compromises her beauty. Anyway, one of the draws of vacationing in Hawaii was the opportunity to snorkel among the fish and corral. She was way into this. Although I had asked that we not "schedule" every minute, we made this mistake when we went to Paris, she did have Hunauma Bay on the schedule. I was glad she did though because I forgot how beautiful it is to swim in a huge fish tank. Unfortunately, our son became very frightened with the whole experience and ended up going into shock. After a team of paramedics tended to him and assured us that he would remain among the living we donned our masks and headed back out.
I was not really into shopping but once I got a load of the restaurant prices and realized there was a potential to eat all three meals in one I decided it was time to find the local Walmart. Surprisingly, Lisa succumbed (as she would not dare be seen in one on the mainland) because the prices were awfully attractive and we could eat in our room at our leisure. While on our grocey shopping excursion, Lisa's eye was caught by an ice cream sign with a big pineapple. We all three devoured this beautiful tasty cone. It was heaven.
I was trying so hard not to patronize any coffee shops. Don't ask me why. I often make stupid goals like that while on vacation. Perhaps it is the same reason I brought two books that I thought I "should" read rather than two books that I was already reading and therefore knew would keep my interest for those days on the beach. Did I even read those books I brought? No, I didn't. I ended up listening to my MP3 player or journaling. Lesson learned: thou shalt not should on thyself - especially while on vacation.
On the fourth day we hiked Diamond Head. Diego and I are here posing in front of Honolulu and the beautiful ocean is in the background. It was a good day to hike. Of course, Lisa had read up on everything - the culture of it and the suggested times to go. So there we were at 8Am sharp trying to catch the bus in order to avoid the crowd. I tend to complain at being rushed and others telling me what to do but this day I was glad. As we were coming down the mountain, which was around 10:30AM there were droves of humankind coming up the trails. It was more than stuffy if you can get my drift. And before disdaining being told what to do on my list of "can't stands" is crowds.
