Quest to Network

I just had coffee and torts (the fruity kind) with an old law school buddy. A buddy whom I had previously imagined as being on the same playing field as me (as if that were actually an aspiration of hers). Imagine my surprise when I walk into her study and see about nine framed Cali awards. I tried to play it off but what could I do? I submitted to my higher power and asked for the grace not to be jealous (or at least not show it). Then I laughed and said, "oh, you framed yours?" as if I had received the same amount and was too humble for the framing exercise. God knows if I would have received at least one then that one would have necessitated naming a room in my house after it. To each guest: "oh, and here is the Cali room." Needless to say, I was on my toes every minute of our conversation lest I be revealed as un-Cali worthy.
We talked about Federal Indian law which is hard to talk about when you know nothing about it. She shared about her employment woes and the difficulty of the current market. Our conversation opened my eyes to the fact that I better get off my sweet ass and do some networking. I emphasize networking because my buddy graduated in the top percentage of our class and then went onto pursue an LLM directly after. A bit nerdy but I like nerdy even if I have no Cali awards. She has not been heavy on the networking and I see that grades and Cali awards alone do not make an employed law school graduate.
My new quest is to stop hiding out and reconnect with my people in the legal world, and by “my people” I mean my fellow Native friends and colleagues. I did not graduate at the top of my class and hearing that someone who did is having difficulty finding work has reunited a passion in me for networking. As it’s been told to me more times than I can remember, getting a job after law school isn’t about what you know, but who you know. This isn’t new information. My best friend's father who was a mentor to me in my younger years said at the beginning of my professional career that 85% of getting a job is networking.