I suppose since it is the new year and there are new beginnings (real as well as imagined) happening all around, it is not too far-fetched to sound the WAKE UP call.
As I rolled my body out of bed, careful not to put pressure on my tailbone, I thought about where I wanted to go in twenty eighteen. I no longer do the resolution list because I loathe lists and my follow through is laughable. I do, however, create some intentions. Mostly, I just ask God daily for faith and wisdom to know what path to follow or when to create my own.
In reality, the only way to be a light and walk in the light is to walk with wisdom. This last year has been a poignant lesson on how timing is related to wisdom. Because of timing, I've let relationships go, knowing their time was over. I've also let habits go because I saw how they disrupted the timing of the harvest in my life. Essentially, this past year has been a lesson best expressed in the phrase: WAIT FOR IT!
I've accepted that I am a seed planter. I plant seeds, and I may not get to see the bloom, but I have faith that there will be a bloom.
If the beginning of the year isn't all you wanted it to be, have faith, because time is working on your behalf. Seven years ago, the last thing I thought I would be blessed with was a newborn son. Then, out of the blue, God gave me a daughter and my son a sister. Whether you believe it or not, God is in the business of giving.
May this year be a year you endeavor to encounter Radical Freedom. To unchain yourself from the lies, from the pain, from the fear that has debilitated you. Peace of mind is possible. If you need any tips or suggestions on how to have more peace in your life, please feel free to take me out for a cup of joe. I'm a really good listener. I will listen as you share and hopefully find your missing puzzle pieces. Sometimes just sharing a cup of joe with another helps us to realize that the answer lies within.