I just spent a good portion of time reading some more articles about the Covington Catholic debacle. A lot more stuff is coming to light. I'm sure both sides (conserves and libs) think this is productive. The media piranhas have made a pariah out of yet another Native American. Which, for the most part, seems to be our lot this go round. Regardless of whether you agree with me, certainly you can see how fast the tables turned as far as what narrative was being pitched. And, don't be so naive as to think there wasn't a narrative being pitched. 
In the midst of my morning reading, I may have also lost a friend. I use the term "lost" loosely because I have no idea what makes a friendship turn one way as opposed to another. I do my best to show up and I think that counts for a lot. I also am taking liberty to refer to this as a friendship. I have a lot of folks who seek me out via FB messenger and sometimes I have time to chat extensively about personal challenges he/she may be facing. This morning was one of those times. 
If you know me, you know I don't mince words and you know I have deep convictions. However, I am not immovable. And, I have a heart. 
The Heart. 
None of us, not a one of us, can ever truly know what another human being is going through or has gone through. This is a fact. Many of us have been shackled by various systems such as income, values, tradition, culture and even democracy. I can expound on any of these, if you'd like. For now, I just use them as examples. Poverty prevents a slough of us from really understanding what democracy looks like. Tradition is how and why we've tried to keep women out of the military and perhaps the reason why we are currently banning transgenders from serving. And, I use the inclusive term "we" because this inept leader we have was, in fact, voted in. (And, I'm not outing myself, I did not vote for him. I am appalled on a daily basis at what we, as American voters, did.)
Anyway, I don't want to veer off from what my heart is telling me to write...Many of us are in caught up in addictions and barely getting by. Many of us are in the darkness of grief and can't imagine the sun ever coming out again. Many of us are trying to decide whether life is worth living or not. Many of us are neglecting our children behind closed doors. Many of us are being beaten behind closed doors. There is so much abuse going on that it is very difficult to imagine. Even yesterday, as my family and I are were driving to South Mountain to hike I saw so much new development happening. Communities being built where there was empty fields before. Everywhere looks different because construction is happening. We are building new homes everywhere, yet the homeless rate increases disproportionately. I see people without homes every single day. 
I go back to my original question: What happened? 
Have you ever asked someone that you wanted to judge that exact question? And, if so, have you listened to what happened without interjecting your opinions or values onto them? You may not be able to get me out of my abusive situation but do you have any idea what hope it might be give if you would just listen to what happened to me? It might very well give me the strength to seek other alternatives that could actually help me get out of the situation. Hope is a indestructible invigorating force. 
If we can ask another human being "what happened?" instead judging that human being, we will find that gradually and then suddenly our hearts open. Dang it, we are so close minded. And, I promise you, a closed mind comes from a closed heart. 
On any given day, I am surprised at the feedback on my Facebook page from posts I've made. I don't take it lightly. I am in awe at the vulnerability and integrity. I'm thankful for that. I am not that powerful but I do know how to hit that delete key and I will not hesitate if I see some response post that is cruel or ridicously provocative in a mean-spirited way. I just don't have time for that and it really is not where my heart is. There are so many pages on FB that have the specific goal of hate that I don't mind being strict on my policy. It takes time to show up here. It's become my practice. I get more out of it than you do, I'm sure of that. 
Words are important. Some words are gold. Pick your words wisely. Think before you speak. Or before you write. 
Let another human being tell you what happened to him/her. Don't just blurt out, "Abortion is wrong" or "homosexuals are going to hell." What is hell anyway? A mere construct. 
How to Win Friends and Influence People: Learn to keep your mouth shut and listen. 
But for the grace of God there go I...


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