UNMASKED HUMAN - Sunday's Edition


Society's theology: Me first.
Christ's theology: Others first.
Theologies, of course, being systematic beliefs we've developed. We have developed both. We live in a society of Me First. Our penchant for no fuss, fast food is everywhere. And, I'm not judging. I had to kick my own ass to break up with Starbucks. And, don't think for a minute that we still don't go on the occasional date. As for Others First, we have a few organizations focused on doing only good. For example, The Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund. And, we have actual humans who live their lives putting others first. For example, Lynn Mack.
This morning I thought a lot about the rise in COVID-19, which will soon need to be renamed COVID-19,20&21. The differences in beliefs regarding this virus all over the world. Mexico is essentially in denial. Arizona is being led by someone who appears to be in a coma. We've been waffling since last March. We have absolutely no discipline when it comes staying home. I don't want to condemn anyone but I am very upset. I care deeply for others and I can't come up with any good reason for gathering socially and especially for not wearing a mask. I am reading things in this venue like "you only live once", "I've had enough", "I did what I could do and now I'm doing me.", "I'll be fine." Our cavalier attitude is part of what contributed to the recent surge and what will usher a lot of us into our last days.
Most of us have no historical memory of living through a pandemic. I think that's partly why we're full of Me First theology. The painstaking truth of this belief system is its irony. We do Me First until we get cancer, our child dies unexpectedly, we get laid off, our spouse files for divorce, our loved one tests positive for COVID and then we're the first in line for Others First theology.
You hear that cymbal? It's faint but it has rhythm. It's constant, like truth is constant. Hear comes the drums and the bass, feel the beating of truth in your heart...
Charles Darwin understood nature in a theological point of view. Many aren't familiar with this. Many saw him as agnostic but he said. "when I wrote the The Origin of the Species, my faith in God was as strong as that of a bishop."
We must stop denying the science behind this virus. We are not going to be able to wish it away. As Darwin so eloquently proved, there are laws of nature on Earth. Well established laws that existed right along side the Holy Ones. If we are to evolve into another level of existence, we are going to have to shed this theology of Me First.
We can do an about face immediately. Nancy and I discussed yesterday what new measures we were committed to taking to protect ourselves, the kids and our community. I'm not talking about extraordinary measures, either. A simple mask whenever I go out. No unnecessary social gatherings. And, even though it is Christmas, all social gatherings are unnecessary at this point.
We are in turmoil. As I mentioned previously, I have upped my self care. Close friends are entering emotionally dark caverns and I feel helpless. I am doing as much as I can to keep my children safe from the dark horse of fear. We have deceived ourselves into thinking the water was only five feet deep and we could stand up if we wanted to. The water is ten feet deep and we are exhausted but we must keep going. A lot of us are too proud to reach out and ask for that life ring buoy.
These times are not easy, by any means. A lot us are doubting and mistrusting others' intentions. Please stop. Please surrender to the unknown, please know that you are part of a beautiful tapestry. We have to work together to sustain our communities. We're afraid of adversity but it is how and where we get stronger.
OTHERS FIRST. I'm not big into commands, nor do I run to the "thou shalts." However, I do adhere to the "Thou Shalt Not Should on Thyself" for most every endeavor. The second most important commandment in the Holy Scriptures is about loving others. How utterly simplistic the Rabbi's were theologically. I mean, they were after their own fast food theology way back then. "Teacher, quick, tell us what the greatest commandment is in the Law." 66 books were chosen out of hundreds. Scrolls and scrolls of writings and these dudes wanted it broken down to the "greatest commandment" (fast food theology) and the Great Teacher replied, "Love God with ALL your heart, mind and soul and Love Others as you love yourself." We know so little about loving ourselves but I'll break this loaf into edible bites. You are me. I am you. I don't know love until I can love you FIRST.
If any of you need anything, please reach out. I have a lot of friends who are available and ready to help. I used to be so afraid of Zoom but I've gotten over myself and I'm available. I am also still taking note card requests on behalf of my children.


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